Duo project 2 and evaluation

Duo project 2 and evaluation
One of the most fun and important parts of making your own games, is presenting your hard work to your peers. Make sure you take plenty of time for each pair to talk about the game they made, show it to the group and have other pupils test it. It can also be a good idea to invite other class groups or even the parents.
60 minutes

Evaluation: Active Reviewing

Evaluation: Active Reviewing
La majoria de les experiències d'aprenentatge passen durant les activitats de coding i jugant, però també quan reflexionem. Per això, els i les estudiants aprendran a realitzar activitats d'avaluació divertides amb els alumnes. Això no vol dir que els provarà o donarà punts. En aquest programa, utilitzem tècniques de revisió activa per avaluar les activitats passades d'una manera divertida però significativa. D'aquesta manera, els alumnes mantindran molt millor el que han après i tornen a casa amb una experiència més positiva.
40 minutes

Evaluation: Active Reviewing

Evaluation: Active Reviewing
The majority of learning experiences happen during the coding activities and games, but also while reflecting. This is why your students will learn how to perform fun evaluation activities with the pupils. This doesn’t mean that they will be testing them or giving points. In this program, we use Active Reviewing techniques to evaluate the past activities in a fun but meaningful way. This will ensure that pupils will retain much better what they learnt and go home with a more positive experience.
40 minutes

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